Whether you homeschool or send your kids to public school, this time of year is the time of year that we tend to focus on staying healthy for the upcoming winter months. When my kids were in public school, I didn't let them leave the house before rubbing Thieves Essential Oil on the bottoms of their feet. And guess what? If they did get sick at all, it was very mild and only lasted about a day. I was amazed! Obviously you have to do more than just rub an essential oil on the bottoms of your feet. It also includes having a generally healthy lifestyle, eating healthy, and having a clean home (now I'm not talking about a 100% magazine picture perfect house...but clean, non-the-less).
Here are a few products I suggest to help keep your kids above the wellness line this season:
1. Thieves® Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: This blend is excellent for supporting the immune system, especially during the school year when kids are exposed to various germs.
- Usage Tips: Diffuse it in the morning before school, apply it to the bottoms of their feet, or add it to a homemade hand sanitizer.
2. KidScents® MightyVites™
- Benefits: These chewable multivitamins are designed specifically for children, offering essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support overall wellness.
- Usage Tips: Include them in your child's morning routine to ensure they’re getting the nutrients they need.
3. KidScents® MightyZyme™
- Benefits: These chewable tablets support healthy digestion, which is important during the school year when diet changes can affect digestion.
- Usage Tips: Give these to your child before meals to help with digestion, especially if they have food sensitivities or are eating at school.
4. GeneYus™ Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: Part of the KidScents® line, this blend supports focus and concentration, making it perfect for homework time or school projects.
- Usage Tips: Apply it to the back of the neck or diffuse it while kids are studying.
5. TummyGize™ Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: Helps soothe tummy troubles that can arise during the school day.
- Usage Tips: Apply it to the abdomen to ease occasional discomfort.
6. SniffleEase™ Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: This blend is great for respiratory support, helping to ease seasonal sniffles.
- Usage Tips: Diffuse it in your child's room at night or apply it to their chest.
7. Thieves® Waterless Hand Sanitizer
- Benefits: A convenient way to keep hands clean and free of germs throughout the day.
- Usage Tips: Pack it in their backpack for easy access after touching shared surfaces.
8. NingXia Red®
- Benefits: A powerful antioxidant drink that supports overall wellness, including energy levels and immune health.
- Usage Tips: Give your kids a small serving daily as part of their morning routine.
If you would like to take a closer look at these products, you can find them here. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. I'm always happy to help!
Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

My mom, sister, and I did a thing over the past year. We realized we all had the same devotional book, one that we had all had for years. Each of us at one time or another had started to work through it, only to never finish it. So we decided to do it together...well, or at least all do the same day every day.
We live in 3 different places. So each night we would send a devo reminder. Sometimes we discussed it, sometimes it was just a simple "devo reminder" typed out into our group chat. It was really all about the accountability to just get it done.
We live in 3 different places. So each night we would send a devo reminder. Sometimes we discussed it, sometimes it was just a simple "devo reminder" typed out into our group chat. It was really all about the accountability to just get it done.
You know what? It worked!! Today we all 3 finished the devotional book. We even have a few more lined up and ready to tackle.
If you, like us, need some accountability in doing a little Bible study each day, I would like to encourage you to find a group of ladies and simply hold each other accountable. If it turns into a full fledged Bible study, that's great! But even if it's just a simple accountability partner, you have still succeeded. The idea is simply that you get it done.
So, what is the book we finished? Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler & Jean E. Syswerda. It's an old copy, but good non the less.a
If you have done this study, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. Did you enjoy it? What did you like the most when going through the studies? Did any particular woman stand out to you more than the others?
Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

I've been married for 23 years. When I was pregnant with our first, we moved across a few states and I haven't worked outside the home since. That was right at 22 years ago this summer. Our oldest was born that November. Being a stay-at-home mom is what I always wanted to be. Before my husband and I were married, we agreed that once we had kids I would stay home with them. It hasn't always been easy. We don't have extra finances for vacations, nights out...or anything really. But it's a decision we have made and would make all over again. I've had people frown upon me for not having a job, for choosing to homeschool, for working hard to homestead even though there isn't much money to be made in it (yet!). My point is...I'm never going to please everyone. The ONLY ones who matter are God and my family.
I'm a firm believer that God designed me to be a wife and mother. To provide a loving home for my family. I was blessed to be able to raise my own children and homeschool them for the past few years. But I'm realizing that it's hard not to buy into the worldly thoughts and views about needing to have a bigger purpose in life.
Once all 3 of my kids started hitting the teenage years (yes, I had 3 teens at once and LOVED it!), I realized that it was time for me to get to know myself again. I knew that once they all left home I would struggle to know my place. I have loved being a mom. It's hard to think of who/what I will be when the last one leaves the home. So I started doing some trainings, coaching, courses, etc to help me on my journey. Ultimately, I want to help other moms. I want them to see the light at the end of the tunnel on those long, hard days with littles and know it's all going to be worth it in the end. I want them to know and understand the importance of taking their kids to church services even though they feel they don't get a thing out of it because they are tending to the kids. I want them to see that even in that situation, they are a great example not only to their kids, but to the congregation. I want moms to know that the "job" they have as a stay-at-home mom is the most important job they could ever have. Most importantly, I want them to see and know their worth in the eyes of God. So I began my coaching journey with all of this in mind. It has had it's ebb and flow. My focus has changed along the way, but every time it's been about helping moms.
And where am I now on this journey? Homesteading, cultivating a holistic lifestyle for my family and sharing our journey with others. I've been learning more and more over the past 10 years about natural health & wellness, herbalism, decluttering the home, gardening, raising livestock, cooking from scratch, and all sorts of homestead related things. So you'd think that with my kids getting older and not needing me as much that I'm all set and ready to go, right?
My oldest is 21 years old and I have been blessed to still have him at home as a working member of our family (he's our main gardener!). My daughter is 19 and just got married, so she is officially out of the house and on her own. My youngest is now 16 years old and working on a horse ranch, learning every single thing he can.
Reality really hit me when wedding plans stopped, wedding company all left, my guys were all out working, and I was left home along. Who am I? What am I doing with my life? Am I more than just the one my guys come home to? The one who cooks and cleans, does the laundry, keeps schedules straight, runs errands? Surely there's got to be more than that right? Should I go out and get a job so that I can 1) contribute to our finances and 2) have a worth/value in this world?
STOP right there...read #2 again. That right there is the worldly view creeping into my head. Yes, we have talked about me getting a job outside the home. But all 3 of my guys agree that I am best at home. And I agree! THEY understand my value as a wife and mom. THEY get that if I were to work outside the home there is no one who can replace me. THEY KNOW MY WORTH. So, why don't I?
Now, back to the part about me being a life coach for moms and wanting them to understand their value and wondering where my place is now that my kids are all growing up...Here, right in my home, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, tending to the needs of others. THIS is where I belong. Why? Because it's what I want...it doesn't matter what the world says. And, yes, I can still help contribute to the finances in so many other ways. Like the woman in Proverbs 31, I work with my hands, I sell goods, I am not afraid for I have prepared my household.
My worth is in God, in being here for my family, and in helping other moms on their journey. 💜
Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

The concept of mold in coffee beans is an often overlooked aspect of coffee consumption that can have significant health and flavor implications. Mold can develop on coffee beans at any stage, from cultivation through to storage, potentially leading to the production of mycotoxins—harmful compounds that pose several health risks, including liver and kidney damage or even carcinogenic effects. Moreover, mold contamination can negatively affect the coffee's flavor, transforming its natural profile into something musty, earthy, or sour.
The importance of choosing organic and mold-free coffee is underscored by the potential health concerns and impact on the coffee's quality. Organic coffee minimizes the exposure to pesticides, while mold-free options ensure the coffee is safer and preserves its intended taste. For health-conscious individuals or those sensitive to molds, selecting the right coffee becomes a crucial part of maintaining wellness and enjoying a high-quality beverage.
Encountering mold in coffee serves as a reminder of the broader need to scrutinize what we consume more closely. Through sharing personal experiences and research findings, the discussion on mold-free coffee illuminates a gap in awareness among even the most health-conscious individuals. It emphasizes the value of doing thorough research and making informed choices about our food and drink, highlighting coffee as just one of many areas where vigilance about health can lead to better well-being and enjoyment of life's simple pleasures.
Creating nutritious meals from scratch starts with a well-stocked pantry, focusing on several key categories. Grains and dried legumes, such as wheat, oats, and rice, offer a versatile base for various dishes, from baked goods to soups and main courses. Fats and oils, including high-quality olive oil, coconut oil, and butter, are essential for adding flavor and nutritional value. Natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, and molasses provide healthier alternatives to refined sugars, enhancing the flavor profile of homemade treats.
For those embarking on the journey of cooking and baking from scratch, maintaining a pantry filled with baking staples, meats and proteins, and a variety of fruits and vegetables is crucial. Ingredients such as baking powder, baking soda, yeast, and dried herbs and spices are indispensable. Seasonal fruits and vegetables enrich meals with optimal nutrition and flavor, while a stock of meats and proteins ensures a robust meal plan. Preserving these items allows for year-round enjoyment and convenience.
Incorporating convenience and comfort foods into the pantry ensures a balance between homemade meals and practicality for busy days. Canned goods, broth, and frozen vegetables simplify meal preparation without compromising quality. Meanwhile, stocking up on ingredients for comforting dishes like homemade soup, cookies, or bread provides nourishment and solace. A strategy of buying in bulk, preserving foods, and rotating stock ensures a pantry that supports healthy, homemade meals while minimizing waste.