Homesteading can be deeply rewarding, but it’s not without heartbreak. This week, we faced one of the tougher moments every homesteader dreads—losing a kid (baby goat). Here’s what happened and what we’re learning through the process.
A Difficult Loss on the Homestead
Sadly, losing a baby animal is something every homesteader faces at some point. In our case, we suspect the mother wasn’t providing enough nutrition for one of her twins. Despite our efforts to intervene, it was too late by the time we returned with supplies.
Lessons in Monitoring and Nutrition
This loss taught us the importance of closely monitoring mother goats, especially with twins. This is something we have been trying to do, but it's easy to be misled and think all is well. Earlier in the week the kid seemed to be doing just fine, telling us it was some small sign we failed to recognize. We also realized we need to be better prepared, keeping supplies for bottle-feeding on hand in case of emergencies.
Challenges of Homesteading Without Land
One of the biggest hurdles we’re facing is living 20 minutes away from the land where we keep our animals. If we were closer, we might have caught the issue sooner and had a better chance of saving the kid. Homesteading without owning land adds unique challenges, but we’re finding ways to adapt.
Looking Ahead: Downsizing the Herd
Our next challenge is downsizing the herd. Without a truck, transporting animals to the processor or sale is tricky. We’re considering creative options, like taking a few at a time in our minivan. Yes, we’re doing this whole homesteading bit backwards, but we’re making it work.
Despite the struggles, we’re learning, growing, and taking steps toward our dream of owning land. Every challenge is a lesson, and every small victory is a step closer to the sustainable, self-sufficient life we envision.
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