Whether you homeschool or send your kids to public school, this time of year is the time of year that we tend to focus on staying healthy for the upcoming winter months. When my kids were in public school, I didn't let them leave the house before rubbing Thieves Essential Oil on the bottoms of their feet. And guess what? If they did get sick at all, it was very mild and only lasted about a day. I was amazed! Obviously you have to do more than just rub an essential oil on the bottoms of your feet. It also includes having a generally healthy lifestyle, eating healthy, and having a clean home (now I'm not talking about a 100% magazine picture perfect house...but clean, non-the-less).
Here are a few products I suggest to help keep your kids above the wellness line this season:
1. Thieves® Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: This blend is excellent for supporting the immune system, especially during the school year when kids are exposed to various germs.
- Usage Tips: Diffuse it in the morning before school, apply it to the bottoms of their feet, or add it to a homemade hand sanitizer.
2. KidScents® MightyVites™
- Benefits: These chewable multivitamins are designed specifically for children, offering essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support overall wellness.
- Usage Tips: Include them in your child's morning routine to ensure they’re getting the nutrients they need.
3. KidScents® MightyZyme™
- Benefits: These chewable tablets support healthy digestion, which is important during the school year when diet changes can affect digestion.
- Usage Tips: Give these to your child before meals to help with digestion, especially if they have food sensitivities or are eating at school.
4. GeneYus™ Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: Part of the KidScents® line, this blend supports focus and concentration, making it perfect for homework time or school projects.
- Usage Tips: Apply it to the back of the neck or diffuse it while kids are studying.
5. TummyGize™ Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: Helps soothe tummy troubles that can arise during the school day.
- Usage Tips: Apply it to the abdomen to ease occasional discomfort.
6. SniffleEase™ Essential Oil Blend
- Benefits: This blend is great for respiratory support, helping to ease seasonal sniffles.
- Usage Tips: Diffuse it in your child's room at night or apply it to their chest.
7. Thieves® Waterless Hand Sanitizer
- Benefits: A convenient way to keep hands clean and free of germs throughout the day.
- Usage Tips: Pack it in their backpack for easy access after touching shared surfaces.
8. NingXia Red®
- Benefits: A powerful antioxidant drink that supports overall wellness, including energy levels and immune health.
- Usage Tips: Give your kids a small serving daily as part of their morning routine.
If you would like to take a closer look at these products, you can find them here. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. I'm always happy to help!
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