God's Provision in Life's Storms: Weddings, Taxes, and Health Challenges

God's Provision in Life's Storms: Weddings, Taxes, and Health Challenges
This week has been a whirlwind...no, make that a tornado.  Just as a brief overview, this is how it has gone:
  • Our daughter is getting married next month.  Our budget has had to change due to some of the plans falling through and having to make adjustements.
  • We found out we owe on taxes (shocker, right??) and need to work that out.
  • My husband had emergency eye surgery this week, another unexpected expense that we need to work through.
We have been working on the wedding for a few months now, so I can't say that one is new to this week.  However, the other 2 both happened just this week.  Talk about sticker shock!  Life is happening super fast and coming at us head on.  And I know I'm not the only one it's happening to.  This economy is hard on us all.  Add in a few unexpected things and WHAM!

But here's the thing.  God always provides for our needs.  Blessings come in all shapes and sizes.  Even though we have a lot going on, it's super important to look at all the blessings we have.  This week I have spent a little extra time in prayer and thought just being aware of my many blessings.

  • I have a family who loves me and is willing to help any way they can.
  • I (with the help of my husband, of course) have raised 3 amazing kids who are willing and able to help in various ways.
  • I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and a reliable van to get me where I need to go.
  • Most importantly, I have GOD
These are the top blessings I have been reminding myself of this week.  When times are hard it's way too easy to see all of the negative things around.  The blessings mentioned above may seem a bit routine and obvious, but in times like this they are the biggest blessings that help me overcome.

It also helps to find scriptures to meditate on and help me remember who is in control.  This is one of my favorites when my life seems like a tornado:
"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:8

No matter how routine they may seem, always remember to count your blessings...especially during the hard times.
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Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

2021: A Year of Change

2021: A Year of Change
This year has been a year of change for my family.  I'm not big on new year's resolutions, so this year I thought I'd choose a word.  To be honest, I totally forgot I had done that until I was looking things over and deciding on a word for 2022.  But, I also realized that the word I chose for 2021 was always on my mind.  The word was "balance".  Wow...did I achieve it?  Well, that's all a matter of opinion. What I do know is that I was working towards finding more balance in my life and I did...almost...just not without a bit of extra chaos along the way.

We found out in August that the time had come for us to make another move.  This move, by far, was one of the hardest moves yet.  For one, the house we were living in was the house I had lived in the longest...ever.  We had been there for just under 9 years.  The record before that was 6 (and that was before I was married).  Always before we just followed the next job.  This time, we decided to stay put...well, at least in the same town.  We still had to move to a different house since the other one was a parsonage.  

We did things the hard way.  Since my husband has been a full time pulpit minister for the past 13 years, getting back into the secular world wasn't easy.  So why did we choose this route?  Because of our kids.  We now have 3 teens.  Our oldest just graduated last May (another "new" for our family this year) and was still attending the area Vo-Tech.  Our younger 2 and I are still a part of an active (and amazing!) co-op group for homeschool.  We have several friends in the area that we just weren't ready to let go of.

On top of it all, I have also been working on truly launching my coaching programs.  My goal is to help as many moms as I can by helping them rediscover who they are meant to be.  This better allows them to follow the path God has for them and helps them present their best self to their family and all those around them.  It truly is a win-win for everyone!

These changes weren't easy, they weren't what we had planned.  But God always has a better plan in mind and if we let him, he will guide us and we will be so much happier!  So, while this year has seen its fair share of ups and downs, job changes and financial changes, me needing to find a new version of what "balance" means for me right smack in the middle of the year, it has been a year of good changes.  Though it wasn't what we had in mind, it has lead us where we need to go.  

All in all, I'd say that the whole year was bringing me to a better balance...mission accomplished!  I can't wait to see what the coming year has for us.  
Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon
My family and I, along with 2 of my nephews, went on a mission trip to New Mexico.  We were able to do some volunteer work helping out a children's home, followed by a VBS in the evenings.  The kids had a lot of fun working with the home, being servants (ripping out old carpet!) and getting to know the kids there.

At the end of the week we had some time to do some exploring.  We put in a 16 hour day, a 4 hour drive from our hotel and several site-seeing and shopping spots in between.  It was well worth it!  Why?  Because we were able to experience the Grand Canyon. My kids and I had never been before.  To say that it was amazing is an understatement.  You've probably heard it said before that pictures just don't do it justice.  I agree.  We tried to capture it's beauty, but when I look back on the pictures it just doesn't quite compare.

Some of the kids (and men) were a little more adventurous and went out on some ledges.  The views they captured were awe inspiring.  

My hubby even met a friendly squirrel!  He sat on his lap, allowed them to pet him, and begged for food.  I know, not the way wild animals should be, but it was still a neat adventure for him and the boys who were with him.

On the way back that evening, we stopped at the painted desert.  Talk about some amazing views!  Not only did it have the variations of the colors of rock, it also had a beautiful lake and stream at the bottom.  One area had benches where you could sit and look over it.  What I wouldn't give to have that spot for my home office!

Psalm 95: 1-5

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
    let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
    let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
For the Lord is a great God,
    and a great King above all gods.
In his hand are the depths of the earth;
    the heights of the mountains are his also.
The sea is his, for he made it,
    and his hands formed the dry land.

If you are a mom who finds herself struggling to find peace and balance around the home, I'd love to help!  If you would like to know about some of the things I'm implementing in my life to help me chose happiness, please send me a message!  
I'd also like to invite you to my free group where we encourage each other in the day-to-day. You can find it here

Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

If Momma Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy!

If Momma Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy!
I'm sure you've heard the saying before, "if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."  Does that saying ring true in your home?  Moms tend to be viewed as the heart of the home.  They are the home-makers, even if they work outside the home.  They are the ones who keep up on schedules, see to household duties, the first one kids run to when they are hurt or need comfort.  So, it makes sense.  If the heart of the home isn't happy that sets the tone for the entire house. 

I'll be the first to admit that I have been upset about that very fact, more than just a time or two.  I think, "they can choose to be happy regardless" or "it shouldn't be ALL up to me."  Even though these statements are true, it's also true that if I'm happy (or unhappy), it reflects on the entire household.

Lately I've been continuing my education on how the mind works.  I have been doing little things for my own mental health, taped some reminders on the bathroom mirror, and made more of a conscious effort to choose happiness throughout the day.  Guess what?  Little by little it's rubbing off on my family.  My husband has even made little side comments here and there that let me know he is also reading the reminders on the bathroom mirror.  My youngest even made a comment about choosing to feel how he was feeling (also something I have been talking about around the house).  

Even though we have a ways to go for us to all choose happiness and joy in all things (Philippians 4:11), we are making progress. Why?  Because I, mom, the heart of the home, made a decision to work on my mindset.  And you know what?  Since we have a fairly open family and I read bits of the book, posted reminders on the mirror, or simply made a statement out loud about a conscious effort, my whole family is benefiting and it's starting to show.

I want to leave you with a verse to meditate on, one that can help you be sure you are focused on the good things in life:
 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.  The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. - Philippians 4: 8-9 (ESV)

If you are a mom who finds herself struggling in this area (as I once did), I'd love to help!  If you would like to know about some of the things I'm implementing in my life to help me chose happiness, please send me a message!  
I'd also like to invite you to my free group where we encourage each other in the day-to-day. You can find it here
Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

Double Rainbow & Lighthouse

Double Rainbow & Lighthouse
At Lavender & Coffee, we love making custom mugs!  Not only does it give us new items to present to our customers, it also gives us a glimpse into what matters to others.  Custom mugs have a very personal meaning to the one who has them created.  And knowing that we have a part in turning that special meaning into a visual is pretty amazing.

Here's the story behind our rainbow lighthouse mug.  The two rainbows represent the two miscarriages she had.  The lighthouse represents a magnet she bought after her first miscarriage, after she found out she was pregnant again.  She had the ultrasound to see the heartbeat and found the magnet in a gift shop.  It had Psalm 18:28 on it.  She bought it as a reminder that God turns darkness into light.  She was excited and glorifying God's name that she was expecting again.  

Soon after, while at work (working in the ICU), she was about 8 weeks pregnant and felt a lot of cramping.  She was checked out in the ER and was sent home by the other nurses.  She was in disbelief that this was happening again.  As she was home that night, she felt the miscarriage happening and felt as if God was asking her "do you trust me?"  While in the shower, suffering the miscarriage, she was crying out to God and making the decision to surrender and trust God.  She chose to trust that HE knew best and that he loved her and those babies.

This mug, with the scripture, lighthouse, and double rainbow, represents God's faithfulness. He turns our struggles, our darkness, into light.  Today she has 2 healthy boys and knows that God has provided.  Every time she sees this mug, it is a great reminder that God cares for us.

To purchase this mug, check out Lavender & Coffee!

Do you have a story you would like to tell through a beautiful mug?  Contact us here for custom mug requests.
*we reserve the right to accept or deny any design request
Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)

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