I have struggled for years with being organized. I have tried several different methods, including KonMari, but never was able to really make it stick. Over the past few years I have been on a mission to declutter and have a welcoming home. Since we homeschool, we really do LIVE in our house. The books, blankets, dishes...every thing we use throughout the day tends to stay put where they were last used. I really struggled to find the perfect solution.
Until now! I was browsing the book store one day and came across a book on decluttering and becoming organized. The title really caught my attention, "The Clutter Connection: How your personality type determines why you organize the way you do" by Cassandra Aarssen. Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that organizing has to do with personality? It's not a one-size fits all and if you don't fit that one size, you fail? Now you've got my attention!
I couldn't wait to get started with this book. I kept thinking, wouldn't this make a perfect addition to my coaching program where I help moms find balance among the chaos of daily life? I thought it was a long shot, but the moment I got home I just had to look. Sure enough, the author has a certification course! So I jumped on it. And I'm proud to say that I am now a certified organizational specialist. Hooray!
Finally, a process that makes sense AND allows me to help other moms declutter and finally be organized. Just what is it that clicked? It's actually fairly simple: If you find that something constantly is being used in a certain place, give it a home in that area. That's it. Organize to fit YOUR needs. If your kids do homework at the kitchen table, give their backpacks and school supplies a home near the kitchen table. I know, it seems like such a simple method, but it absolutely blew my mind to realize that this actually IS being organized!
The book and course also go through different organization personalities/types. Basically proving that it's not a one-size fits all. And there IS a way to organize according to your style that can still give you a warm and inviting home for others to visit.
Now that I've said all of that, I'm super excited to announce that I am now ready to help YOU get organized in a way that suits your needs. What's even better? You do NOT have to be local! I can do it via email/text and/or zoom calls. How neat is that?!
So now I leave you with this question: Are you ready to finally be free of the clutter and have an organized home that suits your needs? Good! I'm ready to help!
You can find more information here! I'm looking forward to working with you and helping you find balance among the chaos!
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