Raising kids is hard work, letting them spread their wings and fly is sometimes even harder! I've been a stay at home mom for 18+ years. Though my kids started out in public school, we have homeschooled for the past 6 years.
Now, here I am with my oldest about to graduate from high school. I've been home with him from day one. That's a lot of time together! Some may think that after all of these years, 3 kids, homeschooling, and not working outside of the home that I would be looking forward to a break. That's far from true! I thought I would be easing into the letting go process, and in a way I have. Kaehlen (my senior) started Vo-Tech this year, which has him away from home for a few hours every day Mon-Fri. But then, not long after my daughter turned 16, she decided to get a job. It just so happens that she and Kaehlen decided this at the same time. So, all of a sudden, I was having to adjust to not just one, but two kids working away from home. This may not seem like a big deal. But let me tell ya, it was a struggle!
Suddenly adjusting to just one kids at home was interesting. Even though my kids don't do a ton together things were a bit more quiet. Just the idea of my youngest being the only one home was enough to make him feel more lonely. Then there was the whole cooking for three instead of five bit. You'd think that would have made things easier, but with our special dietary needs it really didn't. I was left with one with very specific needs, one who can make due as long as it's not all the time, and one who is very picky and has a hard time with certain meats.
Let's just say that life continues to be interesting and ever changing. These changes help me to cherish the moments we have to sit at the dinner table as a family even more, even if that is just once a week. And those family nights we used to have on Friday's...well, those are becoming less and less (at least with all 5 of us), which means we do what we can with whoever happens to be home and enjoy the moments we have together.
I've always heard it said that time goes fast and before you know it your kids will be leaving home. Yep, that's true for sure! The other day I was watching one tired pregnant momma chase a little toddler around and I thought, "that seems like just yesterday!" Yes, time certainly flies by.
I've said for a long time that I won't be a good empty-nester. Though I have a ways to go for that to happen...I'm still thinking it's going to be true. lol With that being said, I just want all you mommas to know that I get you. I'm here to help support you along the way. If you'd like to join a support group of other moms working together on this journey, please check out this free group and let me know how I can help.
Join our HomeGrown Homestead community—a place where we learn, grow, and share our homesteading journey together, fostering a bond of shared wisdom and experience. (everyone is welcome!)
Step into Lavender & Coffee: A Sip of Serenity, a haven for moms seeking support and community on their journey to fulfilling their roles as wives and mothers with grace and purpose.(for moms only)