I decided to do an anti-inflammation diet that is meant to help my body fight and repair from the lyme disease. I thought I'd put together my daily menu for the first week and share it here. I know a lot of my time in prepping was used just in planning the meals and in the kitchen getting things ready. But, by the end of it all, I hope to have some good recipes to share and some helpful kitchen tips to help speed things up so that you don't spend half of the day cooking and cleaning up the kitchen!
The diet is based off the book: Recipes for Repair by Gail Piazza and Lauren Piazza (the link is for a downloadable version since the print version is no longer available). They also have a corresponding website with some extra info. You can find it here.
Day 1
Breakfast: Brown Rice Porridge
Lunch: Deviled Eggs & Carrot Salad
Snack: Almond Crackers
Supper: Veggie Soup & Biscotti
Day 2
Breakfast: Brown Rice Porridge
Lunch: Spinach & Egg
Snack: Cherries
Supper: Moroccan Spiced Salmon with Rice & Asparagus
I went to bed with a migraine. I had an eye doctor appointment and my RX was slightly changed. So some of it could be due to that. But I believe it is mostly due to detox.
Day 3
Breakfast: Chia Pudding
Lunch: Cinnamon Applesauce, Cucumber
Snack: Cherries, & Blueberries
Supper: Stir-Fried Rice and Veggies
I had a headache all day and was achy. Very foggy-headed.
Day 4
Breakfast: Spinach & Egg
Lunch: Salad
Snack: Avacado, Blueberry, Kale Smoothie
Supper: Mackerel Cakes, Brown Rice, Roasted Brussel Sprouts & Carrots
Woke up very achy with a lot of back/neck pain. Still have a light headache.
Day 5
Breakfast: Spinich & Egg, Apple Sauce
Lunch: Salad
Supper: Carrot Salad, Apple Sauce, Carrots, Celery
Day 6
Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs & Fruit
Supper: Almond Crusted Tilapia, Okra, Wild Rice
Day 7
Breakfast: Chia Pudding
Lunch: Salad
Supper: Left Overs
Obviously I didn't take notes of all of the things I ate. But this is a pretty good run down of how my week looked. I tried to have a few snacky foods available at all times, like nuts, green apples, cherries, blueberries, and dried coconut. I also made herbal tea with allowed herbs for the times I wanted a hot drink (since I can't have coffee until Phase 3).
As a whole I'd say it went well. I dealt with a lot of brain fog and fatigue, as well as headaches due to the detox. Thankfully this was all short lived. I will say that I was definitely looking forward to adding new foods in Phase 2! But the meals were pretty good and since it was only 1 week, it was very doable.
Now on to Phase 2!
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