As a mom I often find myself with way too much on my plate. There's always something else to get done, somewhere else to go. I'd love to tell you that I have it all figured out. That I know exactly how to fit it all in and feel accomplished at the end of the day. But the truth is, I don't have it all together. There are days I struggle to fit it all in. Sadly, one thing I tend to let slide is my personal time with God. Time spent alone reading the Bible, praying and meditating on what it says and what it means to me.
One solution I have found is to join a group of like-minded ladies who go through a study together. I participate in one that posts a study for the week on Mondays, a reflection of the passage on Wednesdays, and application questions on Fridays. This not only gives me a focus, but also helps keep me accountable so that I keep up with the study better than I would if I were to attempt it on my own.
I also like to take notes and use a color code in my Bible. I found a great journaling edition that has wide margins on the side where you can take notes or even add a drawing that relates to the passage. I have found that this helps me have a better understanding of what I'm reading and also allows me to see at a glance what a particular passage is about.
The fact is, my days and weeks go so much smoother when I remember to schedule in my personal time with God. Times when I feel things just aren't "going my way" I often stop and realize that I haven't put in the time I needed to. My priorities are all out of whack and I have to realign them. I usually start with being more intentional about my time with God first, then all of the other areas seem to fall into place as they should.
Knowing this, why do I so often let it go? Satan wants us to feel as if we just don't have time for it. The reality is, we don't have time NOT to do it. It always amazes me how much more time I find in my schedule once I get my priorities straight and make time for the things that are important to me first.
I'd love to hear how you find time for God in your daily schedules. Do you have a favorite study?
If you would like to be with a group of moms who support each other are finding balance in their lives, join my facebook group.
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