We've all heard the saying, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". But, if you are like me, you like lemons. So someone giving me a lemon would be a good thing. But what about tomatoes? What if life throws tomatoes at you? I really don't know anyone who likes that, even if you do like tomatoes!
There are times in life when bad things keep coming our way and it becomes too much to handle. But if we can learn to see the positive in the mess of it all, then it's not so bad. So, when life throws tomatoes at you, make soup! How many amazing soup recipes are out there that use some form of tomato?
- Enchilada Soup
- Taco Soup
- Chili
- Stew
- Tomato Soup
You can also make tomato paste for yummy things like pizza sauce. You can make tomato sauce for yummy home made spaghetti sauce. The possibilities really are endless!
Just think of all the amazing things that can come of one "bad" thing. There's always a silver lining. Something good can come of everything in life, sometimes we just have to look a little harder to find it.
So, when life throws tomatoes at you, make soup! Don't let it get you down. Make a good thing out of the bad. There are too many things in life that can bring us down. Make it your mission to always find the good in life. You may find yourself amazed at how good life really can be, even when nothing seems to go your way.
Remember that God always has a better plan. I can't tell you how many times I thought I was finally getting things all figured out, then there was a curveball (or tomato)...then another and another. It's times like that that I have to step back and try to see the bigger picture. I have to realize that there's more to those tomatoes than just a juicy fruit that stains and leaves messes behind. It's about learning to navigate and choosing to see the best that can come of the situation.
No, it's not always easy. Sometimes it's flat out hard and, if I'm honest, I just don't want to see the good at times. It's so much easier to focus on the bad. Last year held so many rocky moments (for pretty much everyone). It would have been easy to just give up. But instead I chose to look for the good. To see what can be made of all those tomatoes. And you know what? I feel like my family is in a good place. No, things aren't perfect. But where we are now is just another stepping stone to where we are heading. And that's what really matters.
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