Women Of The Bible - A study of women in scripture
My mom, sister, and I did a thing over the past year.  We realized we all had the same devotional book, one that we had all had for years.  Each of us at one time or another had started to work through it, only to never finish it.  So we decided to do it together...well, or at least all do the same day every day.  

We live in 3 different places.  So each night we would send a devo reminder.  Sometimes we discussed it, sometimes it was just a simple "devo reminder" typed out into our group chat.  It was really all about the accountability to just get it done.

You know what?  It worked!!  Today we all 3 finished the devotional book.  We even have a few more lined up and ready to tackle.  

If you, like us, need some accountability in doing a little Bible study each day, I would like to encourage you to find a group of ladies and simply hold each other accountable.  If it turns into a full fledged Bible study, that's great!  But even if it's just a simple accountability partner, you have still succeeded.  The idea is simply that you get it done.

So, what is the book we finished?  Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler & Jean E. Syswerda.  It's an old copy, but good non the less.a

If you have done this study, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.  Did you enjoy it?  What did you like the most when going through the studies?  Did any particular woman stand out to you more than the others?
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