Market Research Questionnaire
Lavender Leaf Organization by Amanda Rog
What is the #1 challenge you struggle with when it comes to decluttering/organizing?*
If we had a magic wand & could instantly address your challenges, what would the solution be?*
Here is what I'm thinking of offering to help solve that problem: A month-by-month coaching program where you will get a daily text/email (M-F) for accountability. Access to an exclusive FB group (paid members only). A weekly group Zoom call to help you during the process. And general declutter/organizing info for different areas of your house. What are your thoughts?*
What would you be willing to pay for this kind of service? Would you prefer a month-to-month plan or a one-time (once in always in) plan?*
Have you ever hired anyone to help with this before?*
If so, how did that experience go? What did you love about it? What did you not love?*
Where do you usually spend your time online? (please be specific, ex: facebook, IG, TT, YouTube, etc)*
If you were to try to google a solution to your problem, what would you enter into the search bar?*
What do you feel I am missing in all of this?*
Do you have any other thoughts/comments you would like to share with me?*


Copyright Amanda Rog