Learning Styles

Visual Learner 

Visual learners learn best when reading or looking at pictures.  They prefer to use pictures,diagrams, images, and spacial understanding to help them learn.  They do well with symbols, boxes, charts and colors. 

Auditory Learner

Auditory Learners learn best through listening and speaking in settings like lectures and group discussions.  They use repetition as a study technique and benefit from the use of mnemonic devices.

Kinaesthetic Learner

Kinaesthetic learners learn best when they can interact with their learning environment.  They use their hands, body, and sense of touch to help them learn.  They may like to act things out.  
Reading/Writing Learner
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Mathematical/Logical Learner

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Social Learner
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Solitary Learner

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Helpful Links

Here are some links that can help you determine which learning style is best for your child.


Copyright Amanda Rog